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#1 2021-10-13 09:33:50

From: Danmark
Registered: 2021-10-13
Posts: 32
Windows 7Opera 79.0

Quick course into Truth!

This is my first flyer on the 2 most important things to know, a quick concentrated course into what is happening around us and what we should be aware of! Sadly we have forgotten some really important truths these days, and we need to reclaim them quicky, so here are my 2 page flyers.

Danish Original version PDF file:

English translated version PDF file:

If you wanna edit them or something, they are made with OpenOffice and available here, do with them whatever you will, Truth is never copyrighted or sold for mammon, at least not in my book! Everything made will always be free and available as such, if anyone can use it then by all means do without any restrictions! :

Danish Original Version ODT file:

English translated version ODT file:

Dearly regards - Brother, Disciple and Child of Jehovah - Darkijah
May Jehovah bless you, Jayshua, be by you a most precious pearl, and their Spirit of Truth in us All, Amayn!


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