Truth Matters! Index

A Judaizing Christian Anti-Romanizing Protestant Forum

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Working on the Forum

#1 Trashcan chit chat » Samsung Xcover 6 » 2023-11-26 14:48:14

#5 Re: Trashcan chit chat » CPU Governor Linux notes. » 2023-09-02 17:00:55

CPU Governor
By default Linux uses the 'powersave' CPU governor. On 100G hosts, we've seen throughput increase by up by 30% by changing to the 'performance' governor instead.

The command to set this is one of the following:

For most newer Linux releases:
cpupower frequency-set -g performance
For some older Debian/Ubuntu systems:
cpufreq-set -r -g performance
To confirm what governor you are using, you can use one of these commands:

cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
cpupower -c 0-N frequency-info  (where N is the number of cores)
To watch the CPU governor in action, you can do this:

watch -n 1 grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo
To see the range of possible clock speeds for your CPUs, you can use the lscpu command.

You can also set the default CPU governor in the BIOS. Note that if you manually set the CPU power setting in the BIOS, then these commands may not work.

Reference: CPU Frequency Scaling

#6 Trashcan chit chat » Opera fix for video MP4 » 2023-09-02 16:30:56

Replies: 0

Replace the with a working one.

#7 Trashcan chit chat » CPU Governor Linux notes. » 2022-12-02 05:04:41

Replies: 1

CPU power application

watch -n.1 "grep \"^[c]pu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo"


sudo lscpu

CPU max MHz: 2165.8000
CPU min MHz: 499.8000

sudo apt install intel-gpu-tools
sudo su
intel_gpu_frequency -help

For closing the app: pidof intel-gpu-overlay and then sudo kill -9 process_ID

Method 7: Using i7z
The i7z is a dedicated tool for displaying processor states on Intel i3, i5, and i7 based CPUs.

sudo apt-get install i7z
sudo i7z … frequency/ … rformance/

cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

echo "performance" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

#9 Trashcan chit chat » stick it 7 » 2022-12-02 03:11:38

Replies: 1

Ohhh have to write something

Added later 3 h 21 min 54 s:

#10 Trashcan chit chat » stick it 5 » 2022-12-02 03:10:33

Replies: 0

Stick it 5

Added later 4 h 51 min 18 s:

#12 Trashcan chit chat » stick it 4 » 2022-12-02 03:04:04

Replies: 1

Naaa does not seem to do it...

#13 Trashcan chit chat » stick it 3 » 2022-12-02 03:02:35

Replies: 0

Well one more stick it.

#15 Trashcan chit chat » stick it 2 » 2022-12-02 03:01:07

Replies: 0

Lets have another

Added later 5 h 01 min 27 s:

#16 Trashcan chit chat » stick it 1 » 2022-12-02 02:59:56

Replies: 1

Stick it

Added later 31 s:
Well how about 2 stickies...

#17 Trashcan chit chat » hello » 2022-12-01 09:17:50

Replies: 0

Lets see how tis work smile Seem to work pretty good on mobile....

Added later 06 min 34 s:
<!-- old webpage
<p>Choices to choose from:
<a href="">
Fluxbb Visman,</a><br>
<a href="">
phpBB, active community yet banned for vaccine - pycode - Multi Design - Lucid lime - Digi - cubes - carbon,</a><br>
<a href="">,</a><br>
<a href="">
SimpleMachinsForum, more people yet very slow progress and mobility issues,</a><br>
<a href="">
ElkArte, based on SimpleMachinesForums, less active community base,</a><br>
<a href="">
Vanilla, active community, opensource and free BUT SLOW/HEAVY,</a><br>
<a href="">
minibb, very lightweight but have connection to gambling and not really free!,</a><br>
<a href="">
FlatBoard, not working good and need to pay for further things,</a><br>

Added later 07 min 40 s:
Seems to work pretty good!

Added later 11 min 53 s:
Visman is awesome!

Added later 17 min 58 s:
Flatboard is heavy and no go.

Added later 30 min 23 s: … pic=5865.0

Added later 35 min 41 s: …

Added later 36 min 40 s:
<p>Choices to choose from:
<a href="">
Fluxbb Visman,</a><br>

<a href="">
phpBB, active community yet banned for vaccine - pycode - Multi Design - Lucid lime - Digi - cubes - carbon,</a><br>

<a href="">
minibb, very lightweight but have connection to gambling and not really free!,</a><br>

#18 JesusGod-Pope666.Info » Video files and Music files optimization, volume tuning and faststart » 2022-02-13 13:03:57

Replies: 0

At the moment trying to sort out things with sound, I have former used mp3gain, multiple versions and later used a little of foobar2000 which can also do other kind of files, like video files. I recall a reason why I had MP3tag application as well for something, like some kind of MP4 faststart optimization, trying to regather info for my brain to work on what it was all about.

Not sure if my Web Media Player actually support this volume tuning which is not done directly to the file but outside which not all players support and will adhere to. Anyway foobar2000 also do mp4 video files if the sound file is supported inside of it and FLAC sound files as well is supported for this.

Well, it as usually takes ages to download things and run through multiple files and as usually not without some issues. I am using foobar2000 at the moment, I have yet to go to MP3tags and sort out this faststart optimization yet... Need to re-find it again and sort that out. I think it worked with mp4 files as far as I recall... Not sure if mp3 files have problems of that nature or if anything can be done to also make it better for direct web play.

It's utter nonsense that all mp4 files are not all web optimized by default, as it does not seem to be any disadvantaged beside bullshit excuses from demon filled people who always wanna make things harder for people and lead away from sane choices. As the world is has as usually over the years been taking into more nonsense since the paradise days of Windows 2000, the best operating system ever made by microsucks.

Anyway... I'm doing some Antifungal treatments at the moment as well, trying some new natural product on my private parts for sorting out what the bullshitters calls balanitis, like lets not just call it a Fungus infection so anyone can comprehend the issue. Those Latin-Greek spouting whitecoat murderers on license, disgusting system of the Medical Mafia and there utter mistreatment.
Hopefully this will work on the Banana and the dangling Money bag. Oh well, what a life... And what a wicked world all around us.

Anyway... So I'm sorting out things at the moment, the computer running full stream on CPU and downloading files from the Server again, around 100 GB. Everything takes time. And of cause I have so many other things to sort out and a brain that is far from working at its optimum, but it is still able to do some. I need a brake, I've been needing a head break for years and years and never got around to it. How they could ruin us and make us so ignorant, killing us, hurting us, leading us astray in darkness. It's evil alright.

I guess I'm nearing filling up my 120 GB on my Host, which is fine as I still need to delete a lot of files - but at least I'm using my storage then, I have so many times in the past just payed for a domain and storage and never gotten around to using it. But not so anymore at least smile

Also I sorted out the issue with the Forum and pictures, but overall, I need to figure out the forum and how it overall works - I guess by just using it and dropping the other places smile

I'm on the Papists Portal of Gab, or platform - its focus is free speech but overall, that could quickly change and there is so many issues with it on other levels which should have been sorted out. Well, back to the good old days on this forum - although I don't like the idea of needing to use a Database. But that's just how it is I guess - there was an option for a non database forum, yet the creator has written he is going to do less work on it and he wants money for the themes and other things so... I don't know... I have so many projects already but it would be nice to have a portable Forum that can just be moved without thinking of any database or anything.

So... Lets submit this.

#19 Re: JesusGod-Pope666.Info » Testing for Image plugin! » 2022-02-08 10:50:04

Okay finally I think I got it, in the .htaccess file in I outcommented this:

#<IfModule mod_cgi.c>
#Options -ExecCGI
#<IfModule mod_cgid.c>
#Options -ExecCGI
#<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
#Options -ExecCGI

And now it seems to work, not sure about the last thing he wrote in the email about some kind of Options +FollowSymLinks at least I don't see anything and things seems to work after disabling the other things.

So far so good smile

#20 PStart Portable USB » Notepad++ is absolute awesome for web page editing!!! » 2022-02-08 10:33:49

Replies: 0

I finally after many years found something I am happy with for fixing websites.
Using Aptana and Netbeans and other things, I was just not happy and all those issues I hit into.

I found out I had an application all along that could do all I wanted!

Notepad++ has a plugin feature known as NppFTP in plugins, and you can connect directly to your ftp inside the Application and do things on the fly directly from the server. It is wonderful, is is lightweight and fast and just awesome!!! And not to forget the application is portable out of the package directly from the programmer, at least you can fix that somehow, so you don't need a second hand Portable solution for it.
That's just how it should be in the first place, so I uninstalled Bluefish as well after checking for the same feature which I could not find - so, trash the thing. I knew people was happy about Notepad++ yet I never really used it that much, I had begone using it because of the autosave function that is not in standard windows7 notepad, and have further it has a backup feature. It's pretty awesome altogether.

So small footprint, lightweight, easy FTP editing files and Portable - although not Linux Native but it seems there might be ways to make it work in Linux although I have not tried that, but I'm not the only one that knows about this wonderful program and love the way it works.

So overall, Notepad++ is the TOTAL winner for my Portable Application collection when I get to finish with it. There is still a lot of things to sort out, but nice to see one things sorted out smile

The forum should now be working with images although I don't know how it all works and need to look into that as well at some point and get more familiar with the forum software of FluxBB from Visman. His done a great job overall, I tried a lot of different Forum softwares, but here I am now, now finally on FluxBB which was the first thing I wanted, yet... From Visman.

Some theming might be nice for the Mobile Theme that works, but - well everything takes time.

Added later 11 min 09 s:
Further I have jumped back to OpenOffice from LibreOffice as the later became so slow and changed so many things in the interface - OpenOffice is pretty near what I recall it for many years ago, interface is near the same and works as it did in the past and it is quicker then LibreOffice. If it works DON'T FIX IT!!! Sadly programmers love to ruin applications and past sanity foundation.
So that's another changed and solid foundation for an Portable Office Suit. Although I can't remember if it is Portable out of the box directly, I think it is... but not sure.
Anyway overall a whole other project, but I would love to make something that would be ready to download for people for easy use and lightweight, and just work out of the box being portable! smile

I do have 2 mp3 gain programs, but it should actually be able to be replaced by Foobar2000 in function, I can't remember why I have all 3 Applications if Foobar can do the same, I recall Foobar2000 also doing adjusting Flac files in volume like the mp3 files. default was 89 db I think, by my own testing that seemed to also be verified by Wiki as being the overall standard, so that's great.

But anyway... I don't know if Foobar2000 does... oh yea it does not work with Linux, but maybe you can get it to work with Wine or something of that nature. Would make things easier for sure, not needing other applications to do what I want with my sound files adjusting the volume so they are all the same.

Still need to sort out one single Browser but... that's hard... I would love the good old times interface, and I do have Palemoon and Seamonkey which can be adjusted further, but they do have there own short comings. I tend to sadly turn to and use Opera as it is lightweight and mostly works, although hating the interface.

But need to look into that, I think Palemoon has a native Portable, I'm not sure about Seamonkey - but both of them have some issues on my webpage, well...

Anyway... That's enough for now. Back to work smile

#21 JesusGod-Pope666.Info » Make rainbow color text. » 2021-10-15 10:07:04

Replies: 0

Well, was looking to do it myself, but... Well this was easy enough for a beginning: … -generator

#22 Music, note sheets, research » Lilypond playlist Tutorial! » 2021-10-15 09:49:24

Replies: 0

So this a playlist on youtube for getting to know and get started with Lilypond. … j6VMGmTKjt

#23 Trashcan chit chat » I guess, lets make the first Trash can message. » 2021-10-15 05:13:30

Replies: 0

Well I need to test the quote feature:

So lets get to it. Yea, that seemed pretty easy and worked out pretty nice in regards of the text quote. Lets see how it looks after posting smile

Added later 01 min 07 s:
Yup, that made a line to the left... Great, lets get the color smile

Here are some code block just to have a look


Added later 5 h 09 min 10 s:
Merge is so cool!!!

#24 Re: JesusGod-Pope666.Info » FluxBB <-> FluxBBVisman » 2021-10-15 04:59:29

Hmm so I found the issue, well, not exactly but I found a way to fix it temporarily with to turn off the .htaccess in the - or the image plugin fails on Gigahost. I tried installing FluxBBVisman on and did not have the issue. So it must be a server setting, at least it could not be the database as I am using databases on Gigahost so it seems to be a server issue, php setting maybe? Dunno...
So... that is as far as I have gotten with that.

Added later 59 s:
Apparently it did not wanna merge my post, maybe it was to old - I wanted to see what it would do and clearly it did not wanna merge them like this one should do.

#26 Re: JesusGod-Pope666.Info » Testing for Image plugin! » 2021-10-14 02:02:50

Lets upload one more. One PDF file and then one more picture and see what it says.
Well here is the book:
Lets try an image:

Added later 09 min 23 s:
So deactivating the .htaccess file makes it work - activating it breaks it.
Yet it works activated on the host with the database from Gigahost.

when trying to open the picture: The requested content cannot be loaded.
Please try again later.

When trying to go to the PDF book link: No input file specified.

#27 JesusGod-Pope666.Info » Testing for Image plugin! » 2021-10-14 01:58:27

Replies: 2

Okay, I have just tried installing the forum on using the database on Gigahost and the Image plugin works on that. Sadly it does not work on Gigahost, I have just tried to change the .htaccess name in JesusGod-Pope666.Info/forum/img/members to .htaccess-NO WORK as to make it break on purpose.

Lets see if it wanna work this time, Visman says it might be that, and further should contact Gigahost, so just testing things out. As always, running into issues.


Yup... It loaded the picture clearly.... Lets try posting it.

Added later 02 min 35 s:
The error with the .htaccess was and is: No input file specified.

Although I need to re-activated it and see if it breaks things.

#28 Antichrist 666 the Papacy! » Childs Book of Martyrs » 2021-10-13 09:52:23

Replies: 0

Here is a free book about English Martyrs. Lets see if it works... Nope something is clearly wrong. It seem to have uploaded the file, and yet it just does not wanna work.


Well, let me try in another way then...
Works! Takes a little time download but it at least works as it should. … rities.pdf

Not sure whats wrong with the other, have some odd issues on not being allowed the folder access or something on higher levels.

#29 False Prophet, the Jesuits! » Quick course into Truth! » 2021-10-13 09:33:50

Replies: 0

This is my first flyer on the 2 most important things to know, a quick concentrated course into what is happening around us and what we should be aware of! Sadly we have forgotten some really important truths these days, and we need to reclaim them quicky, so here are my 2 page flyers.

Danish Original version PDF file:

English translated version PDF file:

If you wanna edit them or something, they are made with OpenOffice and available here, do with them whatever you will, Truth is never copyrighted or sold for mammon, at least not in my book! Everything made will always be free and available as such, if anyone can use it then by all means do without any restrictions! :

Danish Original Version ODT file:

English translated version ODT file:

#30 Antichrist 666 the Papacy! » Quick course into Truth! » 2021-10-13 09:33:34

Replies: 0

This is my first flyer on the 2 most important things to know, a quick concentrated course into what is happening around us and what we should be aware of! Sadly we have forgotten some really important truths these days, and we need to reclaim them quicky, so here are my 2 page flyers.

Danish Original version PDF file:

English translated version PDF file:

If you wanna edit them or something, they are made with OpenOffice and available here, do with them whatever you will, Truth is never copyrighted or sold for mammon, at least not in my book! Everything made will always be free and available as such, if anyone can use it then by all means do without any restrictions! :

Danish Original Version ODT file:

English translated version ODT file:

#31 JesusGod-Pope666.Info » FluxBB <-> FluxBBVisman » 2021-10-13 09:29:55

Replies: 1

Well, I went from wanting to use FluxBB around 2 years ago, the problem was, that i was not mobile ready and I did not have the ability to do it. FluxBB was my first choice of Forum - what I thought would take a couple of days, maybe some weeks, ended up taking years.
And here I am again, and now there is at least some better options for Mobile for FluxBB, so lets just move forward on this. I can't wait forever to look around.

I wanted something that was still somewhat old school in style, yet working on mobile - but that apparently was not that easy to find. ElkArta is one, phpBB is another, but overall the simplicity of FluxBB... Well I have further tried this and that and what not, but now that Visman is still at it and continued improving his version, well, hopefully the project can then be kept alive and move on! Time will tell.

In any case, I will need to look into the Mobile themes and see if I can adjust the colors to a theme that fits my page, and of cause share it if it succeeds. Thereby I need to get my menu into it, somehow without making to many issues. But overall my web page is kinda a mess to say the least.

But yea, lets move forward, Lets settle on this forum and rest assure there exist no other tongue I just don't wanna waste more time on testing other things. A forum is a huge undertaking, and so many factors on this and that. Terrible, just terrible.

I have one issue at the moment with uploading files - hopefully I can get some help to sort it out - beside that, most seem to function pretty good. Although it would be nice to be able to upload pictures - that could be pretty neat.

#32 Jayshua Is God Almighty! » Quick course into Truth! » 2021-10-13 08:55:38

Replies: 0

This is my first flyer on the 2 most important things to know, a quick concentrated course into what is happening around us and what we should be aware of! Sadly we have forgotten some really important truths these days, and we need to reclaim them quicky, so here are my 2 page flyers.

Danish Original version PDF file:

English translated version PDF file:

If you wanna edit them or something, they are made with OpenOffice and available here, do with them whatever you will, Truth is never copyrighted or sold for mammon, at least not in my book! Everything made will always be free and available as such, if anyone can use it then by all means do without any restrictions! :

Danish Original Version ODT file:

English translated version ODT file:

#33 True Christian festivals » The Festivals of Jehovah! » 2021-10-13 08:24:35

Replies: 0

To sum them all up, here is a quick list of Christian festivals:

The beginning of the Year is Spring! (The Spring festivals of Jehovah)
in the first Moon, on the 14 day the Lamb is slain and prepared,
eating the Passover after sunset on the 15 the first day of unleavened bread also known as Passover, a high holy Sabbath day.
15-22 we eat only unleavened bread, the last day of the festival and a high holy Sabbath day.
In between this festival when the Seventh day Sabbath of the week comes around, the Day of first fruit dawns the next day on the first day of the week. We count 7 Sabbaths or 50 days to the Day of Weeks, another High Holy Sabbath.

7 Moon of the year begins (These are the Fall festivals of Jehovah)
When the Sliver of the moon, the new moonth of the Seventh - we celebrate the day of Trumpet, the festival of Trumpets and Atonement last 10 days in total, the first and last being High Holy days. On the 15 we celebrate the festival of Booth, first day being a High Holy sabbath day, 7 days in total and the 8 being the last great day, a high holy day of Jehovah.

Always confirm with Scripture - I'm writing from memory and still learning myself.

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